Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time, I felt like I had time to blog every once in awhile.  Along with the summer, that time is gone.  School happened.  When the end of August rolled around, it was not only time to get the smallest members of my crew onto a new schedule, it also meant a very different day for me as well.  During the summer, we generally slept until 8:30. Well, most of us did.  JD was the exception. Sleeping until 8:30 meant that I could stay up pretty late and be in decent shape the next day.  Now my alarm goes off at 5:30, and I'm up at 5:45 at the latest.  My early mornings are not because I'm a high maintenance girl, although a shower every morning is a must.  The early rising is because I have to get myself and three kids, including a 13 month old out the door by 6:45 in order to get the littlest guy to his babysitter (who we love, but lives out of the way) and then to school by my teacher start time of 7:30.  It's going okay.  We've made it to school on time every day.  I'm going to bed earlier and trying to be super organized.  I make lunches the night before, set out clothes for everyone, make sure soccer gear is packed, etc.  The kids have been going to bed earlier which gives me time to work on school stuff.  I'm trying to be more school-organized this year also.  I'm currently up-to-date on all of my grading and planning.  I hope I can say the same every week!  JD has been working like a madman.  It means less family time, but also less stress about getting bills paid.  He was laid off from the job he has now 3 years ago, and as I remember how tough that time was, I'm thankful he has work that he enjoys even though we don't see him as much as we'd like to.

One Week Later... The weather in VT has been beautiful.  By nature, I'm usually cold and winter is not my friend.  It's been in the 70's all week, and I love that I can still wear short-sleeved tops without getting goosebumps.  We had a great weekend which started off with becoming an aunt for the first time on my side of the family.  My new nephew was born 6 weeks early; he is doing well considering his size.  He lives out of state, so it may be awhile before I get to meet him in person, but we get lots of pictures via texting and facebook.  Saturday was spent shopping in Burlington with my mom, cleaning house, and ending with a low key evening with friends.  After church on Sunday, we went down to Rutland for a VT wedding reception of the Florida wedding we attended in April.  Ian and Nikki rented a bounce house and the kids had a blast.  I wish I had taken pictures of the decorations; Nikki is very talented and her ideas are the kinds of things I find (and love) on pinterest (one of my latest addictions).  All in all, we had a fantastic fall weekend!

It's time to post before another week goes by.

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