Saturday, January 12, 2013

A Quick Post

I was working on laundry this afternoon when JD called into the house and asked if I wanted to help him clean out the shed (aka the barn).  I laughed.  Then I realized that wasn't the nicest response, so I found my Carhartt overalls and sweatshirt, pulled them on over my pjs, and tromped outside in a pair of bulky boots.  Cleaning the shed is usually JD and Ryley's job, but she woke up with a fever and has been stuck to the couch all day.  It was actually enjoyable to be out there shoveling out used chicken and goat bedding.  I didn't bring my camera out, but I should have, as holding one of the goats and the bunny would have been a great photo op.

We had to get back into our school routine this week and I was utterly exhausted by last night.  The end of school vacation was spent finishing up our floors which included two nights of polyurethaning them after the kids went to bed, which required us to poly ourselves right into our bedroom.  The middle coat of poly was a morning coat, so that time we polyed (yes, I know that isn't a real word) ourselves into the kitchen and out of the house for the rest of the day.  The floors turned out well considering we've never done anything quite like it.  Laying laminate wood floors is a breeze compared to the real stuff.  We had been quite displaced during the floor project and are slowly putting the house back together.  I'm so happy not to be dealing with gross carpet in the living room anymore!

One of the highlights of my week was going out with some girlfriends for dinner.  It's nice to have friends to support and know that they'll do the same when it's your turn.  My dear friend Christa has been battling cancer for 7 years, and after a time of being relatively healthy is facing new chemo treatments again.  Please say a prayer for her.

Pictures tomorrow.  I promise.


  1. Wow, kell went to the barn, you were just saying how you had not been there in over a month!! Thanks for going on Thursday night, I think I'll make it a monthly event :)

  2. It must have been gratifying to be able to be outdoors and help JD. You truly amaze can do anything..... do you still have chickens?
