Sunday, January 13, 2013

I promised some pictures...

It was warm (for January) today with temps in the high 40s.  I went to Christa's and we took a nice 2 mile walk.  It was pretty brisk and windy on her road, but it was good to get out and get some exercise.

When I got home, Quin was still napping and Zeke was inside playing wii while JD and Ryley were taking care of the animals.  I snapped a few pics of our little "farm" and then JD got a few more.  Here they are!

 JD and Honey, our female Nigerian Dwarf

Anakin, our wether (neutered male), and Honey.
JD and Ryley just added the "bridge" between the spools.

Ryley tells me that this is "Scape"

Ruby now lives with the chickens in their coop. 
She shares their waterer, eats their grain, and sometimes sleeps in their nesting boxes.

Honey is the friendlier of the two goats.
They're still small enough to hold easily.

We can open the door between the chicken/rabbit run and the goat kennel for them to all play together.

The goats like to play "King of the Mountain."

This is the goat area.  We bought the window at a yardsale for $10 (new).
We still need to paint the flap door JD built so that they can go inside.
To the right you can see the chicken run door and the window above it can be opened 
for ventilation in the summer.  The door between pens is the chain link panel to the right.

The animals enjoy their view of the valley.

To the right is the goat pen (built from old deck railings).
To the back is the chicken coop.
Ruby's hutch used to be to the left, but since she moved in with the chickens,
we used that space to store hay and grain for the critters.


  1. Thanks for all of the pictures. I loved them. Joan
