Saturday, March 10, 2012

FPU Update #1

JD and I both finished reading Financial Peace by Dave Ramsey.  We're both on board with most of his ideas for paying things off and saving money for the future.  I'll be updating on how we're doing with the plan.  If you aren't interested in our experience with achieving "Financial Peace,"  skip the FPU Updates!
  • We've watched the first three DVD lessons of Financial Peace University.
  • We're watching our spending in every area. Meal planning has helped with the grocery budget.
  • We're going to make our first ever detailed zero budget this weekend for the month of April.
  • We're selling stuff that we don't need!  I just sold a pack-n-play for $80 that I bought used before Quin was born, and  I bought a smaller used one that will meet our needs for $15.   
  • We're planning for next year.  JD has a pretty good stack of wood drying in our lean-to for next winter.  Hopefully we won't have to buy wood!
  • We have completely stopped using credit cards, but have not closed the accounts yet.
Part of the plan is to use envelopes for some categories of spending.  You put an amount of cash in each envelope monthly or biweekly, and when it's gone, it's gone.  We'll begin doing this in April with our budget.  I've seen some great fabric envelope systems on etsy, but the price isn't justifiable at this time, so I'm thinking about pulling out my antique Singer (which has been used for exactly one project since I was about 13) and making my own.

I love this picture because: 
A-I can't imagine JD dressed like this
B-I can't imagine him jumping for joy
C-I CAN imagine the thrill of being debt free!


  1. I did the envelope thing 30 years ago! I should have written a book. I actually at that time bought a book that had the envelopes in it for that purpose at Ben Franklin. It was compact and lived in my pocketbook. It worked for me but I did move money from one envelope to another at times. I can remember being made fun of (I was fairly young) but......

  2. I'm glad to hear it worked! I think more people used it generations ago. You should have written a book- you'd be a millionaire by now!

  3. My grandparents used envelopes when the immigrated from Holland. It totally worked for them! (Did you know I read this? - Great to see how you guys are doing!)
