Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Glorious Weekend

Last year in March, several feet of snow fell here in Vermont.
This year, we're wearing shorts in March.

Saturday morning, my good friend and her babes came for a visit.  We don't see each other nearly enough and it was so nice to catch up.  I spent the rest of the day outside with the crew.  The kids had fun just being outside, and JD and I got a bunch of work done.

This afternoon, we packed up to go biking at a local state park on the shores of Lake Champlain.  We filled the bed of the truck with 4 bikes and 2 dogs and the backseat with 3 kids.  We got there and realized that everyone else in the county had the same idea.  The park isn't open yet, but about 20 cars were parked on the side of the road outside the gates.  JD ended up walking since he had to keep the dogs on their leashes due to the number of other canines around.

Back home, we enjoyed the weather for a few more hours before heading in for the night.

I still can't believe we were wearing shorts today.  I don't remember EVER wearing shorts in March.

Zeke wanted to take a picture of me.

 Quin wanted to no part of being in this picture.

 He insisted on jumping up and down for this one.

He is sick of riding.

Back home, he spent a couple of hours playing in this (free on the side of the road) little car.

The big kids played some b-ball.

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