Friday, June 8, 2012

FPU- Still going strong

I haven't updated how we're doing with FPU lately.  In this case, no news is good news.  With the busy-ness of life the past month or so, we haven't watched any more DVD lessons and we never did write out a budget for May.  That makes it sound like we're not doing too well, but on the other hand, we were ahead of the game for the month of May and able to put a decent sum towards property taxes.  I had a garage sale with a friend and we each made $300- not bad for getting rid of stuff we didn't need!  We plan to do another one later this summer.

I'm looking forward to the summer months:
-Not working = not paying for daycare
-I get paid through the summer
-JD gets 3 paychecks in the month of July (I'm paid 2x a month, he's paid biweekly)
-I'm going to be kid-sitting a friend's boys at least one day a week

All of this should help us completely fund our property tax fund and allow us attack our loans in order to pay them off earlier than originally planned.

The envelope system is going really well.  We simply don't spend more than what we have available in cash.  We do let ourselves "cheat" a little.  For example, if we have "babysitting" money left over, but no "clothes" money, we borrow, but if there is no money in any envelope, we're done.  Or, we would be done as this hasn't actually happened.

We're looking for low/no cost summer fun ideas if anyone has them!



    Ferrisburgh Day is June 23. Lots of free activities for the kids and I believe the museums are either free or discounted that day.

    1. There will be a petting zoo at my grandfather's, so we will definitely be there!
