Friday, March 29, 2013

3/4 Done!

It's hard to believe that three quarters of the school year are already complete.  As a teacher who happens to love June, July, and August, it means we're getting closer and closer to summer vacation.  As a teacher who has a lot to accomplish in a year, it's a wake up to call to accomplish everything on the great to-do list of the year!

Yesterday was absolutely beautiful.  We had springlike weather and the kids spent most of the afternoon outside.  The goats and chickens and kids and dog were wandering all over the yard.  We had a half day, so I was able to get a lot done at home.  We have off today for Good Friday and the big kids are gone for a ski day with Dick.  This is the first time the kids have gone together, so hopefully that goes okay.

JD also has the day off, so we went to town with the little man this morning and bought lumber to do board and batten on our entry way walls- I'm pretty excited about this project!  He's off running errands and I'm (supposed to be) packing things for a night away and prepping for Easter dessert.

Happy Easter!  Don't forget what this holiday is really about!


  1. Blessed Easter! What is your Easter dessert?

  2. 3/4 done speaks to me but I was counting the weeks and what I need to get done in math. Yikes!

    1. I know! I can fit it all in, but is quantity better than quality? I don't think so.

  3. I have to make dessert for Easter too. Not sure what I'm making. I should decide so I can go shopping for ingredients...
