Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Snow Day!

Remember last year?  The Year of No Snow?

Or the year before?  The Year of the Big Snow?

This year has been more typical.  We've had storms but nothing super-major.  The big ones predicted by forecasters fell short.  School officials have been canceling school the night before instead of the morning of.  I'm guessing that it has something to do with parents being able to find childcare for their kids and for planning purposes in general.  I kind of like knowing the night before that we have the day off, but part of me misses those early morning calls.

School was cancelled for today before it even began snowing.  Snow Days and Summer Vacations are right up there on the list of Top Ten Reasons I Love Being  a Teacher.  I was happy with a snow day even though it means going a day longer in June.  We've got so many projects going on here, and it was nice to get some things done (and to sleep in).

The kids had fun in the snow.  I should have taken pictures, especially of Quincy, all bundled up and looking like the Michelin Man.

JD was around for a little while, but spent most of the day plowing (cha-ching).  He hates plowing when the ground is soft because it makes such a mess of driveways and yards where the snow needs to be pushed.

This evening, we managed to get some more baseboard done.  I love how each board makes the house look a little more finished.  I spent a good deal of the day staining, priming, and painting, so hopefully we'll be able to finish things up soon.

Spring officially begins at 7:02 tomorrow morning.  I'm ready for winter to be done!


  1. Snow Day in Florida means we truck in a pile of "snow" (ice) on to the playground to make a hill. Then the kids slide down it on their bottoms. Hats and gloves optional!!
    I do remember anticipating the cancellation of school in the morning.

  2. No sleep in here. Oh well. But sent the kids out, even JJ all in pink, and went snowshoeing.

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