Tuesday, May 22, 2012


We left school almost two weeks ago on a Wednesday morning.  A teacher, a mom, 2 minivans, and 10 students.  We arrived at Plimoth Plantation in Plymouth, Massachusetts after a fairly uneventful five hour drive (fairly because of intense fog in central Vermont and crazy traffic through Boston as buckets of rain fell from the sky).  We visited Plimoth and the Mayflower II.  It rained off and on most of the day, but the weather didn't appear to dampen anyone's spirit.

We then randomly drove until we found a public beach.  A couple of the students had never been to the ocean before.  70% of the students were soaked before we left. 

We spent the night at the church that a friend attends.  Our class has been praying for her daughter, Kayla, since her birth two years ago.  Kayla has CHARGE Syndrome and has had an uphill battle her entire life. It was great to see Sarah and meet her daughters.  The students were enamored by both girls, especially little Kayla as she signed for us.

In the morning, we headed to Boston in the midst of rush hour traffic.  We took the T (another first for many of the kids) to Park Street and then walked most of the Freedom Trail, focusing on Paul Revere's home, Old North Church, and the Bunker Hill Monument.

Next on the agenda was the Museum of Science.  We arrived there a little before 5 p.m., participated in scheduled activities until lights were out at midnight, and then had a full schedule in the morning until about 11.

We departed Boston with 10 tired kids and 2 exhausted chaperones.  

Everyone enjoyed the trip and I'll probably be ready to do it again in another 2 years :)


  1. Kell - what grades are these kids? It looks like a great trip! (And what a treat to be able to do it with 10!)
    Sara Douma

    1. 5th & 6th grade (or Grade 5 & Grade 6 as you Canadians would say, eh?)

  2. Fantastic pictures! I'll chaperone with you in two years when Kate goes. But maybe we should do a girls' weekend in Boston to familiarize me with it all! I'll have Em explain all the pics tomorrow. Thanks for taking them!
