Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Finally, an FPU update

I haven't been posting updates because I didn't have anything new to report.  We're just keeping on with what we're doing.  Oh, and I felt bad horrible about not having done a May budget yet.  Somehow, in the midst of the craziness of life the past couple of weeks, we didn't take the time to just do it.  We also haven't taken the time to deal with the insurance stuff that we need to.

We are using the same cash envelopes as last month and did reload them, so technically, we have budgeted for groceries, clothing, babysitting, and "blow" money even though it's not down on paper.  We met with an estate planner tonight which will lead to us having written information to bring to a lawyer for a legal will.

We've continued to watch our spending closely while still allowing ourselves to live.  We went out for a friend's birthday and took the kids to a carnival for an evening.  It's all a balancing act, and we feel pretty good about how we're doing.  We got our tax assessment in the mail (turns out finishing your second floor and adding a garage makes the value of your house skyrocket!) and were able to estimate what our tax bill will be.  Thanks to JD's overtime pay and the items that we sold, we were able to put about 40% of the tax money away in April.  Not bad!  (We're used to plowing money paying for property taxes, so this is the first time we've had to save for them in quite a few years.) 

Next week should be might be a little less crazy, which will lead to more progress, which will lead to more to report.  Maybe.

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