Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Birthday Giveaways!

In honor of my birthday this week, I'm going to do my first giveaways (yes, that's plural, so check back in a day or two for the next one).  After all, a blog is not a blog without giveaways that bribe people to be followers.

Up for grabs today, I have a MAGENTA BONDI BAND- a must have for serious and not-so-serious runners, hikers, etc.

I won my first Bondi Band off of Christa's blog (that's her and her Bondi Band above) and I love it!  It keeps my hair out of my face and the sweat out of my eyes.   The best thing is that it doesn't move; it stays where I put it without being headache-inducing tight.  Love it! (It's also a nice added touch for Wacky Wednesday at school.)

In order to win this lovely accessory (did I mention it's PINK!) for you or your favorite runner, you must
A) Like Bondi Band on Facebook. (That's their requirement.)
B) Be an official "follower" of my blog and comment that you want the Bondi Band. (That's mine.)

One of my little cherubs will pick the winner on Saturday.

P.S.  I'm actually going to wear mine more often because I just signed up for a 5k.  I haven't kept up with my running and have a long way to go in 3 short weeks.  Yikes!


  1. Alrighty- I tried to be a follower and it added Andy instead.. I did like Bondi Band though and think my husband would look cute in a pink Bondi band ;-) -Beth

  2. Alright, I want it! I am also doing the aforementioned 5K and need a way to keep my hair out of my face. Any way to influence the cherubs? Say, by promising to have a pool here this summer? :-)
    Happy Birthday, again!!

    1. Yay, excited that you are doing the 5k too!!

  3. Cow tipping really? Of course I want one, and I like bondi band.
