Monday, April 23, 2012

Staycation has started!

Last year we went to Florida during April break.  This year we're saving money and staying home.
I'm surprisingly content to be home and get things done around here.  Our big plans for the week include dentist and orthodontist appointments, a sister-date, and hanging out with friends.  Oh yeah, and catching up on house cleaning/organizing, laundry, bills, etc.

The weekend was kicked off with Book Club which I hosted at my mom's house.  I love those Friday nights with my girlfriends!  We discussed the book, our kids, life in general, and no one had to rush home as husbands were fending for themselves and in charge of the kiddos for the night.

Saturday was low-key and included a birthday party in the afternoon for my friend Jodi's little girl.  The kids had a blast playing pinthetailonthedonkey and smackthepinataashardasyoucan.  The chocolate fountain was a hit as well.

We headed down to Springfield, VT for the day on Sunday.  We attended another birthday party, visited with friends from my YMCA Camp Greylock days, and caught up with JD's college buddy and his wife who reside in Montana now.  The kids had a grand time, especially Ryley, who got to ride her horse friend, Sybil.  She didn't want to come home; between the horses, dogs, and cat, she was ready to move  into the barn.

The winner of the Bondiband is.... Andy Beth!  I'll send it to you via the Christa-Express.

The next giveaway is FPU related and will be coming soon along with an FPU update.


  1. Thanks for the comment on my blog. Love yours too!

  2. Yay Beth for winning!! I wish we were in Florida...
