Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I haven't done much reading for pleasure lately.  I rarely feel that I have the time to just sit down and read.  If I even think about it, the toys on the floor and the laundry waiting to be folded start glaring at me.  I have been reading books for school though to keep up with my students.  I just finished Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry by Mildred Taylor for the umpteenth time.  So good - a must read for students to get a true picture of a not-so-nice time in American history.  My class just started Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes.  Unlike Roll of Thunder, this isn't one that I usually teach, but have decided to in order to review Revolutionary War era Boston before our trip there next month.

Before next week, I also need to start and finish Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close for Book Club.  It's my turn to host, and the book was my choice, and I did get as far as downloading it onto my Nook, but I haven't read a single page yet.  I'm hoping that it's enjoyable and that I will get my dose of pleasure reading.

The following week is vacation from school.  We're having a "staycation" this year, and I'm hoping to read at least one good book.  Any recommendations?

1 comment:

  1. A Beautiful Boy by David Sheff, then Tweak by Nic Sheff
