Monday, May 16, 2011

Book Club

I love to read. Since Quin was born, I haven't had too much spare time to sit and read, but I've tried to at least complete the books that have been chosen each month for Book Club. My friend Helena started Book Club (BC) about 3 1/2 years ago. A bunch of girls meet one Friday night a month (we take turns hosting) and discuss the book (a little) and life (a lot) and enjoy good food and wine. It's a fun night out, usually without kids (sometimes a baby will make an appearance) or husbands. To date, we have read the following books:

My Sister's Keeper
The Double Bind
Kite Runner
The Power of One
Water for Elephants
Observatory Mansions
Stolen Innocence
Bel Canto
The Shack
The Thirteenth Tale
Revolutionary Road
Jesus Land
Without a Net
American Wife
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Olive Kitteridge
Weight of Silence
The Help
Sarah's Key
The Neighbor
The Reliable Wife
The Lost Symbol
Same Kind of Different as Me
The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake
A Disobedient Girl
Good Enough to Eat
Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet
Half Broke Horses

I'm sure I'm missing a few, and I may need some of my fellow BCers to help me out with the missing titles. Of the above, the only three I didn't finish were Observatory Mansions (I had pneumonia the week of BC, and never picked the book up again), The Lost Symbol (busy month?), and Freedom (didn't get the book on time, hope to read someday).

BC forces me to read books that I normally wouldn't. While I would have eventually picked up some of the above anyway, the majority are titles that I wouldn't have chosen, but am glad that I've read. I'm hoping to begin writing brief reviews of each book that we read (present tense) beginning with Half Broke Horses by Jeanette Walls. If you love reading and aren't part of a fabulous Book Club, you're missing out!

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