Sunday, May 15, 2011

Don't ya just love a bargain?

Those who know me well know that I love bargains, deals, clearance racks, etc. I do a lot of shopping at garage sales, on eBay, and on Craigslist. I have gotten items off of Freecycle and from the side of the road. I like good quality brands and items, but I don't like spending a lot of money on them. Garage sale season is upon us, so the last couple of Saturdays I've packed up the kids and headed out to sales that I found out about on Craigslist. Sometimes my "deals" don't turn out to be deals afterall. Last week I bought a baseball glove for Zeke. It looked brand new, and at $2, I thought it was a pretty good buy. It turned out to be for a left-handed player. He's right-handed. Oops. This week, I bought a bunch of books, and we found a few things for Quin, including a like-new pair of Carhartts for 50 cents, which was probably my best buy. After a couple of sales I went to Agway and bought some flowers and plants for the yard. After quickly dropping over $100, I wondered why I bother shopping for bargains when trying to make my yard look nice costs a fortune and there aren't exactly clearance racks for plants. Unfortunately, I don't know enough about plants and gardening to save money by knowing when to transplant plants, separate them, or do anything else really, except water them. I guess that's a plus to the 7 days of rain that have been forecasted for this week; I won't have to water the flowers!

1 comment:

  1. I need a bookcase and a dresser for the spare room. Keep your eye out. Good to hang out on Saturday.
