Sunday, May 8, 2011

To run or not to run; that is the question

I decided to start the new year with a goal of getting in shape. I haven't really run since I played sports in high school and really wanted to be in shape enough to run a 5k. I started a Couch to 5K program on December 31st. It was hard to find time to run, but I did, and finished the program in time to run my first 5k at the end of March. My time wasn't great, but I was okay with that; my only goal was to finish without having to walk. It was a freezing cold day and I had many layers (including two pairs of pants) on, but I survived. I then took a few days off, and a few more, and well, I hang my head in shame as I say that I haven't run since then. And we're into our second week of May now.

Reasons I haven't run:
I don't enjoy it enough to try hard to make time for it. (I refuse to wake up any earlier, the baby needs to be asleep so I can get an uninterrupted run in, by the time that happens, or hubby is home, I'm worn out).

Okay, so I guess there is just one reason, but it's a big one: I don't love running. I do love how I feel afterwards, though, and the sense of accomplishment, and knowing that I'm doing something good for myself. I don't want to give it up. I want to love running. I want to have time to run.

I'm going to sign up for another 5k. It's at the end of June. I will have to start running soon, like tomorrow. Ryley and Zeke are playing t-ball, so I have an hour in which I can try to get a run in while they're at practice. It will mean pushing the baby around town, but I have a decent stroller and that should go okay. So here's to giving running another chance. Stay posted to hear how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. I think you should run!! Basin Harbor is June 18!! Great blog, love how you describe the kiddos, and J. What time is t-ball?
