Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I ran...

...early in the morning. I did it. After refusing to get up earlier than normal, I've come to realize that if I want to run, that is when it needs to happen. I slept in my running clothes and slipped my sneakers on this morning. I was ready to head out the door for a short run at 5:30 when JD told me he was leaving in 10 minutes. What! The whole idea was that he'd still be home to be with the kids. We didn't communicate that he was leaving early for work or that I wasn't planning on staying in and using the treadmill. I almost went back to bed. Instead, I ran on the treadmill. Not too far, not too long, but better than not running at all. So far I'm feeling good and energized. Maybe getting up earlier a few days a week won't be so bad afterall.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I love that you slept in your running clothes, and got up at 5:30, and didn't go back to bed when J said he was leaving.
