Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Meet JD

JD and I were acquaintances due to mutual friends that we had. I was 18 when we started hanging out at the county fair one August, and the rest is history. We were married two years later, and celebrated our 9th anniversary this summer. JD has a strong work ethic and loves to work long hours (and had a hard time dealing with coworkers who don't work as hard as he does...). He is talented with big equipment and enjoys running excavators, bulldozers, etc. He dug the foundation for our house, built our driveway, and did all of the other "dirt moving" to create our yard. He's a country boy and loves hunting, fishing, and being outdoors. Together, we've done many projects including building patios, finishing a basement, lots of trimwork, painting, and more. Sometimes we work great together; other times, not so much! He loves his kids and me, and that's the short version of the Story of JD.

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