Tuesday, February 7, 2012

50th post: I'm a WINNER!

I rarely win anything.  I remember winning a t-shirt from a department store drawing when I was a kid.  It was size XL, black, and in neon letters said "Levi's Legendary."  I wore it as a pj shirt for years.  Other than a few little prizes at Pampered Chef and Partylite parties and the like, I don't usually win.  Scratch that, I did win a Bondiband from Christa's blog, but only ten people entered.  I have friends that have won big, a trip to California, and while there, they won a truck.  JD's mom has won a car, a sofa, and other biggish prizes.  Anyway...

When I got to school this morning, there was a message to call my sister who was home with Finn.  In the 12 minutes or so that it takes me to get to school, she had received a call on my cell phone (which I rarely forget at home) from our local country radio station (98.9 WOKO).  I was the daily winner of a heart pendant necklace from Perrywinkle's, my favorite jewelry store.  Dolly thinks she was live on the radio, but I haven't heard from anyone that actually heard it, so maybe not.  (I, apparently, was listening to the other country station.)  I entered a contest (which I rarely do) about a week ago after hearing about it on the radio.  I was hoping for the $1000 grand prize to Perrywinkle's but had since forgotten about it.  I still have a chance to win the big prize but am happy with being one of the five necklace winners.

Some Randomness:

Speaking of winning, we've been tearing open tickets from our local grocery store since November in hopes of winning something.  JD came home from the store with 120 tickets (x3 pieces in each) on Saturday, but there wasn't a single one that we needed.  There are only two days left of the "game" which is similar to the McDonald's Monopoly game.  I have a few more coupons for free tickets, but that will be the end of it.  It was fun while it lasted.

I got up early to run this morning.  I didn't want to, but my phone alarm said RUN!!! and I had worn my running clothes to bed, and JD said, "Aren't you going to get up?" so I did.  It was good.  I listened to a book that I downloaded onto my iPod last night, as I get bored with music and don't want to wake up the rest of the crew with the volume from the t.v.  It's an Amish book by Wanda Brunstetter.  I'm not crazy about the story yet, and the reader sounds like she's reading to kindergarten students, but I'm optimistic that the story will get better, and that I will be less annoyed by the reader.  On Thursday I will finish week 6 of Couch to 5K.  Any audio book suggestions?

I made a lemon meringue pie for the first time ever this weekend.  Apparently, it's JD's favorite.  You would think I would have known that by now.  Little did I know that most people buy a lemon pie filling mix; mine was from scratch.  While good, it wasn't quite what it usually tastes likes, so I'm going with the filling mix next time.

I also made a trifle, this one was for my mom's party.  It was made with devil's food cake, a doctored up vanilla pudding mixture, and raspberries and strawberries.  Delicious.  I'm still working on finishing it off.

Quin was tested for whooping cough last week after he developed a cold following a possible exposure to the disease.  He was put on antibiotics for 5 days just in case, and we had to keep him away from other kids.  The cold went away, so I'm assuming he doesn't have it, but we still don't have the results back.

If you play Words With Friends, start a game with me!