Saturday, February 18, 2012

Finn-18 Months

Quin celebrated his half birthday this week.  It's hard to believe that my little guy is on his way to his second birthday.  A few little tidbits about the little monster darling:

He is very independent.  He doesn't care to ride in strollers, hold hands, or sit on laps for long.  He prefers being on the loose and running around on his own.  

He likes helping Daddy bring in wood.

He isn't talking much yet, but understands what we say to him.  He shakes his head up and down when he likes something and to the left and right quite vigorously if he doesn't like it or doesn't want to do something.

He is a great sleeper and loves heading to bed with his blankie when he's tired.  He still sleeps in his crib and hasn't attempted to climb out of it yet.  He still takes 1-2 naps a day.

He loves animals.  He tries to get in the bunny's cage and likes playing in the dog kennel.

And a picture that doesn't involve him in a cage...

He's a bit more mischievous then his siblings were and is often getting into things.  Nothing in our desk drawers are safe from him.  He has recently discovered how to shut the lights off and thinks it is great fun to turn all of the lights off.  

We love this kid!

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