Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Keeping up

Laundry has been caught up (washed, dried, folded, put away) for several days now.  My all time record for that is probably about two weeks and I probably had about one kid.

My room/bathroom has been in an "I'm not so embarrassed that I have to close the door" state for the same length.

Most of my grading is done for school.

And running... I missed one morning due to being up most of the night with a sick six year old, but I made up for it that night.  I'm currently on Day 3 of Week 5 for C25K.  I actually overdid the Day 2 run as I didn't realize someone had changed the incline on the dreadmill from 0 to 4 until I was almost done.

Kudos to JD and Ryley who matched and folded all of the socks in the "sock basket" during my above mentioned run.  They found some that were worn by Quin as a newborn, and it turns out that there isn't a single one of us lacking in the sock department.

1 comment:

  1. You're a rockstar Kell! I've been working on my list all week.
